Sable Breton Pastry
Plain Flour 120 g
Fine Salt 2 g
Castor Sugar 85 g
Baking Powder 12 g
Unsalted Butter 90 g
Egg Yolks 40 g
Pecan Nuts 200 g
Preheat oven to 170°C.
1. Place the plain flour, salt, sugar and baking powder into a stand mixer bowl fitted with a paddle attachment.
2. Add the cold butter (not too solid) that has been cut in to small cubes with the rest of the ingredients.
3. Mix over medium speed until the mixture resembles fine bread crumbs and there are no big lumps of butter.
4. Add in all the yolks and mix until the ingredients just come together and form into a dough. Do not be tempted to over mix.
5. Transfer the pastry over a cling film, flatten in to a square and wrap. Leave in the fridge to rest overnight or for at least 2 hours.
6. Once the pastry have rested, remove from the fridge and lightly dust the bench with plain flour. Roll the pastry out to approximately 1 cm in thickness. Dust more flour as required.
Grease the sides of the baseless 18 cm cake ring, then cut the Breton pastry out to a 18 cm disc utilizing your baseless cake ring as a cutter. Leave the breton in the ring and place the sable Breton onto a tray lined with parchment paper.
Bake in the preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until it turns into a light golden color.
Once baked, remove from the oven and immediately remove the ring and let the sable Breton base to fully cool.
Note: The excess breton pastry can be reuse for cookies or individual tarts. Simply combine them without over working the pastry, wrap them and store in the fridge before rolling them out again.
7. Meanwhile, cut out a 18 cm round parchment paper. Cut out an aluminum foil at the base to at lesat 5 - 8 cm or larger than the 18 cm cake ring to enable you to fold around the sides to seal.
Place the parchment paper on to the center of the foil, then place the cooled sable breton on top of the parchment paper and then the cake ring over the sable. Fold the aluminum foil around the sides to tightly seal the edges ensuring that they are as tight as possible to avoid any leakage during baking.
Note: Make sure you have the parchment paper underneath the breton biscuit otherwise it will make it very hard to peel off the foil after baking.
Line the untoasted pecan nuts or simply scatter the nuts on top of the Sable Breton. Leave aside until ready to use.
Proceed to making the pecan pie filling.
Pecan Pie Filling
50 g Light Brown Sugar
15 g Unsalted Butter
80 g Golden Syrup
50 g / 1 u Whole Egg
2 g Pink Sea Salt Flake
1. Pre heat the oven to 170°C.
Place the brown sugar butter and golden syrup in a pot over medium heat and gently heat until the sugar have fully dissolved and the butter are fully melted. Transfer in to a clean bowl and leave it to cool below 45°C.
2. Whisk in the eggs and salt. Pour the sugar mixture over the pecan nuts until they are just sitting on top of the pecans. (You may have some excess mixture)
Place the pecan pie into the pre heated oven and bake for roughly around 20 minutes to 25 minutes or until the filling starts to set.
3. Remove the pecan pie from the oven and let it cool slightly before removing the baking ring. Dust with snow sugar (Optional)
4. Leave the Pecan Pie to cool slightly then remove the ring by running a sharp knife around the side. Cool completely before starting to remove the parchment paper and foil underneath. As it cools, the sable Breton will turn in to a cake like texture from absorbing some of the thick sauce.
Serve and enjoy!