If you like the flavour that Sourdough bread gives, you are going to love this soft and fluffy Sourdough Milk Bread. This bread requires an overnight proof, but let met break this to you, the wait will be worth it! 😄
For this bread, you are required to already have an active cultivated sourdough starter. If you do not have them, fret not, I have a recipe that is similar to this bread that uses instant yeast that you can easily find from any local supermarket. Sunflower Seed Whole Wheat Yudane Loaf.
If you are a cultivator of wild yeast, you can proceed to the following.
This bread comprises of three parts:
The Levain
Yudane Dough (First dough) &
Final Dough
The steps required to preparing this soft and fluffy sourdough milk bread are as follow:
1. (10 am ) First, feed the highly active starter to create the Levain ( this is what you will be using in the final dough). The Levain is then left to ferment for 6-8 hours. Because of the long fermentation time, make sure you plan your schedule ahead.
I usually start feeding my Levain in the morning so that by the evening, I can start using them in the Final dough.
2. Second, while the Levain is doing its thing, prepare the Yudane dough by mixing a portion of flour in the recipe with boiling water. Mix to create a stiff dough. Cover with a food wrap touching the surface and leave to cool completely.
The Yudane dough can be prepared for up to 3 days. Note that if you are using chilled Yudane, you need to bring it to room temperature for 2 hours before adding into the final dough. This is to ensure that it does not cool down the dough too much and extend the proofing time to even longer.
4. (4pm) Once the Levain is ready, start mixing all the ingredients together except for the butter with the Yudane Dough.
When you have developed some gluten or when the dough starts to look smooth and elastic, add in the room temperature softened butter a little at a time.
Continue to mix until you have fully developed the gluten and passes the "windowpane test".
5. Pre-shape the dough to a semi tight ball. Transfer into a lightly greased bowl that is large enough for the dough to double in size. Cover and leave to bulk ferment at room temperature. This process will take between 2 to 4 hours, depending on the ambient of your kitchen.
6. (8pm) Once proofed, transfer the dough onto a bench and knocked it back, releasing some excess gas in the dough.
Divide to three equal portions and shape them into individual small log. Place into a pre-lined baking tin. Cover with a plastic wrap.
7. (8 am the next morning) Now, it is time proof the dough overnight at room temperature . This process is called the final proofing and takes roughly around 10 to 12 hours. If it is winter and particularly cold, you may want to find an ambient spot to place the dough.
8. The next day, you will see that they loaf has risen quite significantly. Pre heat the oven and bake!
EQUIPMENT: 280 x 105 x 105 mm pullman baking tin
Duration: Overnight proof
Yield: 1 Shokupan
50 g Sourdough starter
60 g Bread flour 60 g Water 24˚C 25 g Granulated sugar
60 g Manitoba Bread Flour (14% protein)
60 g Boiling water
FINAL DOUGH (for the soft sourdough milk bread)
200 g Manitoba Bread Flour (14% protein)
20 g Full cream Milk powder (optional)
1 Large egg (~50 grams)
30 g Caster Sugar / Granulated Sugar
40g Full Cream Milk
5 g Fine Salt
120g Yudane (all of the above)
170 g Active Levain (from above)
25 g Softened Unsalted butter
Time Schedule
Note: The time schedule is just a timeline that suits myself, you will need to follow one that is suitable for you.
Day 1
10 am Prepare the Levain by mixing all the ingredients together well. Cover the bowl with a food wrap then pierce a few holes on top. Leave at room temperature for 6-8 hours until the Levain triple in volume.
The time it takes for the Levain to be ready is approximately 6 - 8 hours if the Levain is maintained at between 24°C - 26°C . Do not be tempted to place the Levain in a warmer area to expedite the process as this can compromise the flavour and the development of the wild culture/yeast.
You will only need 170 g of your Levain for the Final dough. There will be a small amount leftover for you to continue to feed your starter.
The starter ratio that I use for keep is (1: 2 :3) of (culture : water : flour).
Prepare the Yudane by mixing the boiling water with the recommended flour. Mix until well combined. Cover and set aside to cool until ready to use. The Yudane can be prepared up to 3 days in advance. Read the above instructions on how to store them.
4 pm When the Levain is ready, mix all the ingredients together, including the Yudane and 170 g of the Levain, except for the butter, into a mixer bowl fitted with a dough hook attachment. Mix over medium speed for 3 minutes until they start to come together to a smooth dough.
Add in the softened room temperature butter and continue to mix over medium speed again for another 10 - 12 minutes or until you pass the windowpane test*.
Transfer the dough onto a lightly dusted work surface then roll the dough to a smooth ball. Place into a bowl that is large enough to allow the dough to double in size then cover and leave to bulk ferment for 4 hours. The dough should increase to about 50 -60% of its original size.
8:30 pm Transfer the bulk fermented dough onto your work bench lightly dusted with flour, then divide to 3 equal portions.
Working with each portion at a time, roll to a rectangle with the help of a rolling pin. Lengthways, fold one end to the centre, then fold the opposite end over to cover the top fully. Turn the folded dough 90° then roll the dough one more time to approximately 300mm in length.
Lengthways, roll the dough to form into a small log. Adjust the width to fit into the bread pan. Place the first shaped portion of the dough on one end of the tin then repeat the same process for the other portion and place on the opposite side leaving some space between the doughs.
Lightly grease the top of the shaped loaf with some oil then place a food wrap loosely on top. Leave to bulk ferment for 12 -14 hours overnight at room temperature until it has risen and fill up 90% of the tin.
Day 2
8:30 am the next day..
Pre heat the oven to 170°C. By now, the dough would have risen quite significantly. Bake in the pre heated oven for 40 minutes or until the internal temperature is above 90°C.
Once baked, remove the loaf from the oven and brush the sugar syrup on top while it is still warm.
Remove the warm loaf carefully onto a wire rack straight away to cool.
Leave to fully cool for at least an hour before cutting.