If you have some discard from your Levain, salt and herbs in your pantry, you are good to go for some quick and simple cracker for your cheese platter.
150 g Sourdough discard
45 g Tip "oo" Flour
45 g Whole Wheat bakers flour
20 g Rye Flour
35 g Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tbs Fresh Dill - chopped
qs. Sea Salt Flakes
1. Place all the ingredients together into a stand mixer bowl fitted with a dough hook attachment. Mix the ingredients until they starts to form in to lumps of dough.
2. Transfer the lumps on to a work bench and bring it together by kneading with your hands until it comes in to a dough. Press the dough flat and wrap in cling film then let it rest in the fridge for an hour or overnight.
3. When ready for baking, remove the dough from the fridge. Pre heat the oven to 180°C.
Cut the dough in to quarters and roll them out thin enough to fit into a pasta maker. Lightly spray a baking tray with some oil then roll the cracker dough to '4 settings in your pasta roller. You can roll it thinner or thicker according to your preference. Spray some water on top of the dough sheet then sprinkle in the sea salt flakes.
4. Place the strip of dough on to the oiled baking tray then bake in the pre heated oven for 12 to 15 minutes or until the cracker has harden and is crispy. Remove the tray from the oven and let the cracker cool fully. Break the cracker into individual pieces and serve!
Store the cracker in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks