Equipment Required : 200 mm length x 95 mm width x 95 mm depth bread loaf tin or similar size loaf tin
Yield: 1 x loaf
Bread Dough
340 g Bakers Flour
180 g Plain Flour
250 ml Water -cold
90 ml Full Cream Milk -cold
35 g Castor Sugar
40 g Unsalted Butter
6 g Salt
7 g Instant Yeast / 1 sachet
Lemon Vanilla Crumble
50 g Unsalted Butter
50 g Demerara Sugar / Raw Sugar
50 g Plain Flour
1 u Lemon Zest
2 tsp Vanilla bean paste
Qs Strawberry Preserves/ Strawberry Jam
For the bread
1. Place all ingredients into a stand mixer bowl with a dough hook attachment. Ensure that the yeast is not in direct contact with the salt.
2. Mix on low speed for 4 minutes until the ingredients have come together and starts to form in to a dough.
3. Increase the speed to medium speed and keep mixing for another 6 minutes. The dough will start to pull away clean from the side of the mixer bowl at this point. Test the dough to see if it is ready. It is ready if you are able to stretch a small piece of dough thin enough to see through.
4. Without dusting any flour, transfer the dough on to the work bench and shape the dough in to a ball.
5. Place the ball of dough, seam side down, into a lightly greased bowl big enough for to double in size. Cover with a damp tea towel and leave to bulk ferment or double in size. This process takes roughly around 1 to 2 hours depending on the ambient of your kitchen.
6. When the dough have doubled in size, transfer the dough on to a lightly floured bench and gently press the dough down to knocked out some of the air. Roll the dough flat in to a rectangle roughly around 40 cm x 30 cm.
7. Spread the strawberry jam.
8. Roll the dough length way in to a log, using a serrated knife, cut the log in to halves and fold them in to a plait. Shrink the dough slightly enough to fit into the Pullman loaf tin that has been lightly greased with oil. Cover with tea towel to final proof or until it increase in size by 2/3.
9. Top with prepared crumble.
10. Bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for approximately 35 to 40 minutes or until the top and the crumble turn golden brown in color.
11. Remove the loaf tin from the oven, let it cool slightly then tilt the bread out from the loaf tin and leave on wire rack to cool.
12. Let cool completely, spread more jam/conserve if you want on the top, cut and serve.
For the Lemon Vanilla Crumble
Place the cold but not solid butter and the rest of the ingredients in to a stand mixer bowl with a paddle attachment. Mix on low speed until the mix resembles coarse crumbs. Reserve in the fridge until ready to use.
Note: make sure that the butter is not too soft. The butter should be cold but you are still able to press to deform the butter. If the butter starts to melt in your hands, it is too warn and you will need to place it back in to the fridge. If the butter is solid hard, simply leave it at room temperature to soften slightly.